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Tome of Atkemba

Tome of Atkemba

Play Video

Follow an Archaeologist as he explores the Tome of Atkemba in search of the Lost treasures of Atkemba

Duration: 3 Months

Team Size: 1 Person

Role: Level Design, Sound Design, UI/UX Design

Inspiration and References

After taking several rides from Revenge of the Mummy, I got inspired to create a short game about exploring the Tomb of a dead Egyptian King

Design Pillars

​The Key Design pillar that the game would have would be Discovery as the player explores various parts of the tome. The Next Pillar would be avoidance as he navigates around several booby Traps and finally the last pillar would be the sense of achievement when they complete the game.

Player Fantasy

The Player fantasy would be to give the players the sense of exploring a booby trapped filled tomb in search of missing treasure,

Landscapes Exploration

Looked through and referenced different types of landscapes to give the users different vibes as they explore the Tomb for example the sense of isolation and loneliness as they wander through a foggy desert, the sense of dread as they traverse through the dark tunnels,  the sense of  the sense of awe when they enter the treasure halls

Obstacles Exploration

We then tried to explore the possible mechanics to be played within the game with the guidance of our lecturer, Jonathan. We discussed the progression within each step of the game and how we can differentiate the 2 brothers apart from each other.

3D Modelling

Based on the Mechanics that we had, we listed the amount of assets we might need for the game such as the floor tiles, the end tiles, the enemies, the players, the doors etc, I then used substance to texture the 3D assets

Level Design

Using the game engine that has been created by the tech team, we then tried to recreate the game within the game engine.


Created a quick Level on Unity, with simple player moving mechanics. Added various booby traps for the player to avoid

Sound Design

We then play tested the game with various individuals and made improvement on the game based on the feed backs that we received. We had used google forms to get a gauge on the effectiveness of the controls and the possible improvements in the

UI Design

We then play tested the game with various individuals and made improvement on the game based on the feed backs that we received. We had used google forms to get a gauge on the effectiveness of the controls and the possible improvements in the

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