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Problem Statement

After hearing to the complaints of my friend about Veganism, I was able to listen to what are the issues he faced and tried to come up with a simple solution to help him with his problems 



Several Issues were raised such as the lack of options, the difficulty of having to track multiple apps, bad interfaces that aren’t user friendly 



Creating a hub where user can just depend on one app instead of having multiple to help improve their lives especially in a Singaporean context


Team Size: 1


Duration: 3 Months


Roles: UX/UI Designer

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Neat Desk
​User Interviews

This is the exploratory phase where I would speak to other Vegans to further understand their frustrations and ways to improve their lives


I have 32 possible prompts which I use to continue the flow of the conversation but tried to use the conversation threads left by the users. Each interview lasting 45 minutes.


I have created 3 Personas based from the interview ranking them based the issues that I would like to tackle

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Customer User Journey

Based on the Personas I have came up with a simple User Journey which indicates the user's possible thoughts, frustrations and how I would tackle those issues

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Based on the User Journeys I have listed out 5 main functionalities of the App


Personalization: Ways to motivate the user to keep up with their Vegan Journey

Recipes: Help Users find new Recipes and share recipes with their friends

Vegan Scanner: Help Vegans scan items to check if the item is Vegan/ Vegetarian or not

Restaurants: Help Users to find nearby restaurant

Rewards: Enable users to earn rewards

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Information Architecture

Based on the functionalities, I have came up with a generalized way of categorizing the information and how they would interact their individual pages

Quick Prototype Testing

During this phase, I would list out the buttons and interactive elements needed in each page. This allows me to identify the elements that I would need to focus on later on and determine the functionality of each page.


Some learning points that i encountered during this phase were the missing "pages" that would be required for such an extensive app, what are the key missing buttons and what users look out for during the testings.

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Paper Prototype Testing

This stage is to craft out the general feel on how the App would feel like. Using generic boxes and text allows me to quickly make changes based on user feedback. This is the phase where many "missing" pop ups and pages are identified for the digital prototype


The way I would test this is by asking the questions and observing the user's behavior while my friend helped out with being the "wizard" and manipulating the pages around


Some issues that i faced would be the lack of understanding of certain elements used,the lack of popup screens  and i overcame them by clarifying the elements, and making pop ups on the spot with some rough papers


Digital Prototype Testings

Taking the insights from the users i came up with a rough draft on Marvel which included all the changes and popups the users required,







Interactive Prototype 1

​Taking the insights from the users i came up with a rough draft on Marvel which included all the changes and popups the users required,







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