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BreakOut Trailer

BreakOut Trailer

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Breakout is a frantic 2D Top Down Dungeon crawler where the player finds himself in sentient technological apocalypse. The player has to try to breakout of the building while trying to hold back the horde of appliances. coming after him. 


AI Designer

Systems Designer

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Rocket Slime

What we took away from Rocket Slime was how different objects can be broken into tinier objects which the player can interact with 


Overcooked has an increasing "Frenzy" curve as the expectations required of players increases while the amount of resources diminishes due to the mistakes the players make.

Core Experience

​The Key Design pillar that the game would have would be puzzle solving as that would be the main way that the player is able to achieve the player fantasy of accomplishment and by having the design pillar of discovery, we can draw the player deeper into the game by introducing new mechanics for the players to learn and master. 


The game is set in a worn down building, the place where the player used to live in when the techno-apocalypse struck, we want the players to feel like they are grasping on to whatever sanity they have while everything crumbles around them 

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Level Design

Having created the Tutorial and the Enemy Levels, I have tried to allow the users to learn each mechanic by solving each puzzle that can only be solved by using the specified mechanics or interactions.

For the Enemy levels, I had introduced the enemies one by one before finally allowing the player to face 2 types of different enemies

Object Economy and Interactions

Due to the way that our game is crafted, it is dependent on timers and spawners thus we took into account the various items in the game such as the enemy types, junkpiles, objects etc, ensuring that the timing is static thus increasing and decreasing the difficulty by adding or removing such spawners.

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We then play tested the game with various individuals and made improvement on the game based on the feed backs that we received. We had used google forms to get a gauge on the effectiveness of the controls and the possible improvements in the


we wanted to make the game play have a playful comic book vibes thus when an enemy is destroyed, there would be particles and Onomatopoeia appearing, this gives players extra satisfaction when killing the enemies.

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