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Subjugation is a short cinematic scene that showcases a fight between a cop and a robber. Created with Unreal, MakeHuman, Mixamo and Adobe Premier Pro.


Game Engine Used: UE5 (Custom Engine)

Genre: Fight Scene

Inspiration and References

Before starting the project, we analyzed the beginning of fight scenes in boxing matches; the introductions to boss fights and noting the distinct features such as the specific moves we wanted to incorporate into the cinematic.

Ideation reference
Director's Vision

We had 90 seconds to work with. and our goal was to create a fight scene. We decided to start with a panning shot to immerse the viewer into the Futuristic dystopian environment before proceeding to introduce the 2 characters in the cinematic film followed by a quick fight scene between them.


We then proceeded to sketch out the scenes  before recreating them in Unreal Engine 5.

Character Design

Using MakeHuman, we were introduced to the various functions within this software and methods to make the face look realistic, be it to use an actual portrait of a human or to tune them individually using the functions provided by MakeHuman.


My team mate and I created an Avatar to be used in the CInematic

World Building

We then decided to place the characters in a neo-metropolitan city that seems rife with crime. Taking a free city models from UE5, we placed some of the assets to make them look like they belong together several times


On the left are some screenshots that were taken

Colours Study

Going through several night scenes made us realize that this city needs to be colored with contrasting colors.


We chose red to depict passion and anger, symbolizing the starting point for the mobster (a literal red-light district), while blue represents stability and the police. Finally, deciding on purple for the bridge scene to depict the clash of both worlds.

Animations Explorations

We then used Mixamo, an animations library to cherry pick fighting animations to be used in our cinematic.


We were also introduced to the Mocap workflow by our lecturer.


We then ported over the Characters, the Animations, the 3D models and recreated the scenes in Unreal using our storyboards as a guideline. We also explored other functions in UE5 to make the Cinematic immersive like layering, particle effects and Camera effects

Camera Angles Exploration

After completing the fight scene, we found that certain shots were not very interesting, thus basing on different feedback given by our classmates, Experimented with the different types of camera angles and camera effects (like slow mo and rotations)

Sound Design

We then used sounds effects in Meta digger  and edited various grunts and laughs in Audacity.


We then pieced all the individual sounds and BGM together in Premier Pro to match with the video output from Unreal.

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